In a shocking and unsettling incident, the owner of a Maine gun shop has found himself at the center of a harrowing story that underscores the importance of following due diligence when selling firearms and accessories.

The Lewiston massacre is an event that has sent shockwaves through the community, a heartbreaking tragedy that could have been even more devastating. 

In the wake of this tragedy, it was discovered that Card had attempted to purchase a silencer from Coastal Defense Firearms three months prior to the horrifying events in Lewiston. 

Rick LaChapelle, the responsible owner of Coastal Defense Firearms, refused to sell Card the silencer, in compliance with the appropriate legal procedures and his ethical responsibility. 

On the paperwork submitted by Card, it was disclosed that he had previously been institutionalized due to a two-week stint in psychiatric care. This confinement was a result of Card's distressing behavior. 

Rick LaChapelle, when reflecting on the incident, asserted that he and his gun shop did what they were supposed to do. Their unwavering commitment to adhering to proper procedures and due diligence potentially.

LaChapelle expressed a deeply concerning theory. He believed that had Card successfully acquired a silencer, the tragedy could have been even more devastating.

In an era marked by an ongoing discussion on gun control and responsible ownership, this story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of diligent background checks, adherence to regulations.

Despite the tragedy that unfolded in Lewiston, the story also highlights the resilience and sense of community. It is a reminder that individuals play a pivotal role in ensuring that firearms do not fall into the wrong hands.

The story of Rick LaChapelle's responsible actions and refusal to sell a silencer to a potentially dangerous individual sparks an important conversation about gun control and the responsibility of all stakeholders.