P.C. The Today Show

Not long before Matthew Perry's unexpected demise on October 28, he was seen feasting with Athenna Crosby in Los Angeles.

P.C. The Today Show

Athenna Crosby affirms being the lady in the photographs and takes to Instagram, stressing Matthew Perry's positive perspective and her goal to respect his inheritance.

P.C. The Today Show

Athenna shares the individual distinction of knowing Matthew Perry, communicating destruction over his demise while regarding his confidential nature.

P.C. The Today Show

Recognizing their companionship, Athenna reveals that she was one of the last individuals to address Perry and portrays their last connection before his passing.

P.C. The Today Show

Athenna accentuates Perry's confidential nature and her regard for their companionship, avoiding public conversations prior to zero in on his inheritance.

P.C. The Today Show

The entertainer and model subtleties Matthew Perry's disposition in his last hours, featuring his excitement about impending life altering situations and generally satisfaction.

P.C. The Today Show

Athenna underlines Perry's positive spirits and excited conversations about future undertakings, depicting him  as blissful and lively.

P.C. The Today Show

Emphasizing the significance of zeroing in on Perry's heritage, Athenna expects to move consideration away from herself and onto the late entertainer.

P.C. The Today Show

While communicating distress over Perry's passing, Athenna underscores the requirement for awareness and keeping the focus on his achievements.

P.C. The Today Show

All in all, the article sums up Athenna Crosby's bits of knowledge into Matthew Perry's last day, underlining his  positive mentality, energetic attitude, and the significance of regarding his heritage.